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Personal Advising

Smiling student who is happy with the advice she was given by student services.

Sometimes life’s challenges may interfere with your academic success. Personal, family and social issues can get in the way of your studies.

If you are a current student and you are…

  • feeling overwhelmed, stressed or depressed,
  • experiencing anxiety or intrusive worry,
  • having conflicts at home or at school,
  • facing abuse or violence,
  • having thoughts of self-harm or suicide,

…or, you need help with…

  • problem solving,
  • conflict resolution and mediation,
  • dealing with grief or a traumatic event,
  • finding a referral to another agency, or
  • if you just need someone to talk to,

…Carlton Trail College can help.

We offer short-term confidential counselling to students who are struggling with difficult issues. If longer therapeutic intervention is required, we will refer you to a community agency.

If you or someone you know of is contemplating harming yourself or others, or if you have been harmed, we encourage you to get help as quickly as possible from the…

  • RCMP – Phone 911,
  • Ambulance – Phone 911,
  • Your Family Doctor
  • Local Hospital Emergency, or
  • Crisis Hotline

For a listing of Crisis Hotlines and Crisis Services available in Saskatchewan, go to …

For information on mental health issues, please see…

If you would to talk to a member of our Student Services Team during office hours, contact…

Carlton Trail College