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Carlton Trail College
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Carlton Trail College - Student Services

Smiling student who is happy with the advice she was given by student services.

Carlton Trail College offers you a wide range of services to enhance your academic performance and overall experience. We want you to be successful!

If you are a prospective or current student and need help with…

  • exploring your educational options,
  • choosing the right program,
  • accessing funding for your education,
  • finding a tutor,
  • developing your study and exam writing skills,
  • accessing community resources or disability services,
  • managing stress and conflict,
  • transitioning to employment,
  • setting and reaching your goals, or
  • if you just need to talk to someone.

Carlton Trail College can help.

We offer…

We provide our services on a confidential one-on-one or group basis.  You can use our online booking system to Book a Virtual Appointment with a Student Advisor.

For more information, contact…

Carlton Trail College