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Testing & Invigilation Services

Smiling student who is happy with the advice she was given by student services.

If you are taking a program or course by distance, Carlton Trail College can help you. We are a testing and exam invigilation site and will supervise exams on behalf of…

  • other post-secondary institutions,
  • industry associations,
  • private training institutes, or
  • other organizations.

We are able to invigilate both written and online exams.

There is a $30/exam fee for exams invigilated during regular office hours.

If you need to have an exam invigilated, follow these steps…

  1. Call your nearest Carlton Trail College location and make an appointment to write your exam.
  2. Contact the testing institution or organization and ask them to send the exam sent directly your nearest Carlton Trail College location below…

…or for more information, contact...

Carlton Trail College