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Carlton Trail College
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CCA WIN YOUR TUITION:  Apply to any of our Continuing Care Assistant programs BEFORE AUGUST 9TH, and be entered to WIN YOUR TUITION!!!


Scholarships, Awards & Bursaries

If you are pursuing post-secondary education or training, you may be eligible for an award, bursary or scholarship. These awards can help pay for expenses associated with pursuing an education such as tuition, fees, books and housing.Learn more about awards and aid for Carlton Trail College students enrolled in post-secondary programs of 12 weeks or longer: 

Carlton Trail College Student Awards (Post-Secondary) 

- Carlton Trail College Adult Basic Education (ABE) Indigenous Determination Award (IDA) 

- 2024 BHP Jansen Project Scholarship Program

- External Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries

 Our student award program wouldn't be possible without our donors and sponsors - thank you - and congratulations to our student recipients!

View our 2022 Student Award Donors here.

Virtual acknowledgements: View our 2021 Student Awards Presentations here.

Virtual acknowledgements: View our 2020 Student Awards Presentations here.

If you have any questions about Carlton Trail College Student Awards and Scholarships, contact ... 

Carlton Trail College Student Awards Program
Charitable Registration Number:   10687 5123 RR0001