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Accessibility & Disability Services

Smiling student who is happy with the advice she was given by student services.

Your success is important to us! If you are a student and have a physical, emotional, psychological or learning disability, you may qualify for additional supports and services such as….

  • note-taking assistance,
  • classroom accommodations,
  • exam accommodations,
  • alternate format textbooks,
  • assistive technology,
  • advocacy and mediation,
  • special accessibility funding,
  • tutoring,
  • and more.

Student Services can….

  • develop an accommodation plan if learning issues have been identified,
  • help you access potential funding, and
  • provide referrals to an Educational Psychologist or the Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan (LDAS).

For more information or to book an appointment with a Student Advisor, contact…

Carlton Trail College