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Carlton Trail College Emergency Financial Aid Bursary

The Carlton Trail College Emergency Financial Aid (EFA) Bursary encompasses funds from donors and the Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship (SIOS) Program to provide Carlton Trail College post-secondary students with emergency financial aid.

EFA Bursaries are provided to address urgent, unplanned, and unexpected financial hardship such as, but not limited to, the following:

  • The need for safe emergency shelter (e.g., disaster such as fire, or fleeing an abusive situation)
  • A threat to student’s health or safety (e.g., no heating source in winter, no money for food)
  • Restricted or eliminated earnings due to health or health regulations (e.g., health restrictions limiting employment)
  • Emergency expenses incurred while seeking treatment for self (e.g., emergency medication or medical aids required)
  • Other financial aid cancelled or delayed in error.

EFA Bursaries are:

  • Not intended to meet expected educational costs common to all students, such as tuition, fees or books.
  • Approved on a case-by-case basis.
  • Non-repayable – you do not need to pay these funds back to the College.
  • Dependent upon the availability of funds. (There are a limited amount of funds available and not all applicants may receive funding.) 


This fund is available to students who are currently enrolled in a Carlton Trail College post-secondary program of 12 weeks or longer AND who can demonstrate sudden and unexpected financial need.  The student must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.  Incomplete applications will not be considered.

The following is a list of eligible 2023-24 Carlton Trail College programs: 

  • Agriculture Sciences (Humboldt)
  • Continuing Care Assistant (Humboldt)
  • Continuing Care Assistant (Wakaw)
  • Continuing Care Assistant (Wynyard)
  • Electrician (Humboldt)
  • Industrial Mechanics (Humboldt)
  • Office Administration (Humboldt)
  • Practical Nursing (Watrous)
  • Primary Care Paramedic (Humboldt)
  • Welding (Applied Certificate) (Humboldt)


  1. Before applying for an EFA Bursary, please consider whether you have applied for, received or exhausted other sources of funding, such as: 
  • Student loans and/or grants;
  • Scholarship, bursary or award funds:
  • Earnings from work;
  • Financial support from family/friends;
  • Savings and/or RESPs;
  • Band or other third-party sponsored funding;
  • Government assistance programs;
  • Emergency assistance provided by the federal or provincial government(s). 
  1. If you have exhausted all funding options and feel your situation meets the criteria for an Emergency Financial Aid Bursary, please contact a Student Advisor. An Advisor will assist you with the application process.   Below is a list of Student Advisors:

An Advisor will be able to provide personal and financial advising, explore funding options with you, advocate for you and assist with the bursary application process.  In addition, your Advisor will email a letter of support to the EFA Bursary Committee, which may describe your circumstances more fully.

If you are having difficulty connecting with an Advisor, please contact the Humboldt office at    1-800-667-2623 or (306) 682-2623. 

  1. Complete the application. Be sure to answer all questions carefully as incomplete applications will not be considered. 
  1. Where possible, attach supporting documentation related to your sudden and unexpected financial emergency (e.g., receipts, proof of loss of employment, recent paystubs, etc.). 
  1. Read, acknowledge and date the ‘Applicant Declaration.’ 
  1. Submit your application. 
  1. Applications will be processed in the order they are received and may take up to 5 – 7 business days to be reviewed. Requests may be prioritized to those who demonstrate urgent financial need for essentials such as food, shelter, medicine or other critical costs. 
  1. Successful recipients will be contacted directly and Emergency Financial Aid Funds will be issued in the form of a cheque. Cheques will be mailed to the recipient or arrangements for pickup may be made.


Click here to access The Emergency Financial Aid Bursary Application Form.