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Student Scholarships Awarded

 L to R: Heather Wahlstrom, Grant Junk, Logan Moore, Riley Lea, Aaron Sokolan, Remi Gaudet


Four Carlton Trail College students were awarded scholarships totalling $16,000 at the College Campus in Humboldt on Monday. The Viterra/Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarships were presented to the students with the highest final marks in this year’s Industrial Mechanics and Electrician Programs.

$4,000 scholarships were awarded to Grant Junk from Allan and Logan Moore from Watson who had completed the Industrial Mechanics Program and Riley Lea from Wynyard and Aaron Sokolan from Humboldt who completed the Electrician Program.  Heather Wahlstrom, Human Resources Business Partner and Remi Gaudet, Asset Maintenance Support Manager from Viterra were on hand to make the presentations.

Earlier this year, Viterra donated $10,000 to the Carlton Trail College Student Awards Program. This donation was matched by the Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship Program which will enable the College to present an additional $4,000 scholarship to a student who is enrolling in this fall’s Electrician Program. 

“On behalf of Carlton Trail College, I would like to congratulate Grant, Logan, Riley and Aaron. Your hard work has definitely paid off,” said Dr. Ivan Yackel, College President and CEO.  “Because of Viterra’s commitment to education and the matching contribution from the Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship Program, we have an additional $20,000 available for Carlton Trail College students this year,” Yackel added.

For more information, contact:

Val Koroluk, Marketing Facilitator
Carlton Trail College
(306) 682-6853


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