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Carlton Trail College Long-term Staff Members Honoured

Andy Burgess (left), Denise Germain (right) and Murray Cook (missing) were recognized for their long-term service to Carlton Trail College.


Three long-term staff members were recognized at Carlton Trail College’s Staff Start-Up Meeting held September 1, 2015 at the Uniplex in Humboldt. The three employees recognized for long-term service were Murray Cook, Welding Instructor (10 years), Andy Burgess, VP Finance (15 years) and Denise Germain, Program Delivery Associate (25 years). 

Dr. Ivan Yackel, President and Chief Executive Officer presented each of the employees a certificate of employee recognition and a service award. “On behalf of our Board and Staff, I am pleased to recognize the contribution made by Murray, Andy and Denise.  They have been dedicated to the College, to helping advance education in our region and more importantly, to serving our students,” said Yackel.

The start-up meeting was held to kick-off the new academic year and discuss plans for the future upcoming year.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Ivan Yackel, President and CEO
Carlton Trail College
(306) 682-2623

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