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Carlton Trail College
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Our Region


Carlton Trail College serves a large region in east central Saskatchewan. Our region spans from St. Brieux in the north to Lumsden in the south, to Wadena in the east to the outskirts of Saskatoon and includes approximately 65,000 people.

Our area covers 45 Rural Municipalities, 8 First Nations, numerous small towns and parts of 7 School Divisions and 5 Health Regions. The largest centre in the region is the City of Humboldt where our Administrative Offices are located.

This particular area of the province is known as the “Iron Triangle.” Many manufacturing companies such as Schulte Industries, Bourgault Industries, Bourgault Tillage Tools, Michel Industries, Doepkers Industries and Koenders Manufacturing are located in the area.

This area of the province is also known for its growing potash industry. Mining companies such as BHP Billiton, Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, Mosaic, Karnalyte Resources Inc., and Encanto Potash Corporation have established or are in the process of establishing mines in the region. The region’s other key industries include healthcare, agriculture, and education.

To meet the educational and training needs of students, business and industries in our region, we have campuses in the following locations…

…and classrooms throughout the region.

For more information about the region we serve, contact…

Carlton Trail College