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President and CEO

President and CEO

Amy Yeager, BComm, CPHR 

Amy Yeager is Carlton Trail College’s President and CEO. Since 2008, Amy served as the Director of Administration (now known as VP Administration) for the College.

Amy has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Saskatchewan and is a Certified Human Resources Professional.

Previous to joining the Carlton Trail College’s Executive Team, Amy worked as a Human Resource Manager for the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union and Human Resource Officer for the Federated Coop.

“The best part of working at Carlton Trail College is being able to watch our students grow and succeed. I can’t think of a more rewarding place to work. I am most proud of our staff for all that they do for our students. Our staff always go above and beyond for our students; not because they have to, but because they want to.”


President's Message (October 2022)

Welcome to Carlton Trail College!
Having grown up in the area and after 13 years with the institution, I've developed a strong understanding of the people and communities that we serve. As part of my new role, I look forward to continuing to grow the College to meet the education and training needs of our regional businesses, industry and communities.
To start our year, College staff gathered at our Four Winds Learning Centre in Punnichy on August 23. We focused our day on Truth and Reconciliation - including a viewing of Muskowekwan Residential School - and renewed our commitment to learn about, recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools. Staff heard powerful stories from residential school survivors, and helped move our College forward as we continue to advance reconciliation through education.
Committed to our mission, I look forward to working with our Board of Directors and leading our staff as we provide the best experiences possible for every member of our community. Carlton Trail College is a special place to learn, work and grow, and I'm excited to share this journey with you.
Stay connected to the College's work through our communication channels - our website, social media, e-newsletter, and more - or contact us with your questions.
Whether your goal is to get ahead, develop your workforce, or to start a new career, you'll find the training and support you need from our dedicated College team.