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CCA WIN YOUR TUITION:  Apply to any of our Continuing Care Assistant programs BEFORE AUGUST 9TH, and be entered to WIN YOUR TUITION!!!


Sponsor an Award or Scholarship

Consider making a donation to the Carlton Trail College Student Awards Program. Your donation will be used to establish a scholarship for a deserving student.

Your contribution can...

  • Assist students whose financial needs prevent them from enrolling in post-secondary education
  • Reward the academic success of potential and current students
  • Recognize community involvement and leadership of students
  • Encourage students to remain in and attract students from outside of the region to pursue education, training and future employment here in the Carlton Trail Region
  • Attract students to follow specific career paths for skills that are needed in our region and in the province

We can work with you….

For donations or contributions of $250 or more, we can work with you to establish criteria for your scholarship. Scholarships can be established based on...

  • Financial Need
  • Merit
  • A Combination of Need and Merit
  • Location or Specific Demographics
  • Specific Program (e.g. Agriculture Sciences, Office Administration, Continuing Care Assistant, Practical Nursing, Primary Care Paramedic, Electrician, Industrial Mechanics (2024), and Welding)
  • Performance Within a Program (Awarded to the student(s) with the highest marks in the program.)

Your donation will be matched!

If you donation is designated to our post-secondary programs, your donation will be matched through the government of Saskatchewan’s Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship Program.

As a recognized registered charitable organization, official donation receipts will be issued for gifts of $20 or higher.

Levels of Sponsorship

Level Yearly Contribution Acknowledgement
Platinum $1000+
Naming of the award
Employment recruitment opportunity with students
Acknowledgement on website and Winter Program Guide
Invitation to present the award at public event
Thank you letter
Tax receipt
Gold $1000
Naming of the award
Employment recruitment opportunity with students
Acknowledgement on website and Winter Program Guide
Invitation to present the award at public event
Thank you letter
Tax receipt
Silver $500—$999
Naming of the award
Employment recruitment opportunity with students
Acknowledgement on website and Winter Program Guided
Invitation to present the award at public event
Thank you letter
Tax receipt
Bronze $250—$499
Naming of the award
Acknowledgement on website and Winter Program Guided
Invitation to present the award at public event
Thank you letter
Tax receipt
Friend $20—$249
Thank you letter
Tax receipt
Memorial Donation $10+
Notice sent to the next of kin
Tax receipt issued for donations of $20 or more
Acknowledgement per sponsorship levels above

If you have any questions or would like to sponsor an award, contact:

Carlton Trail College Student Awards Program
611 - 17th Street, P.O. Box 720
Humboldt, SK  S0K 2A0
Charitable Registration Number:   10687 5123 RR0001