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CCA WIN YOUR TUITION:  Apply to any of our Continuing Care Assistant programs BEFORE AUGUST 9TH, and be entered to WIN YOUR TUITION!!!


Class of 2019 - 2020


Continuing Care Assistant – Humboldt

Jessabelle Aswigue, Humboldt

Kayla Balzer, Muenster

Reanne Berry, Humboldt

Lyka Calong, Humboldt

Robyn Chalifoux, Viscount

Brenda Lee Dietrich, Humboldt

Andrea Nicole Gonzales, Humboldt

Madison Hiebert, Viscount

Gracelle Mallari, Lanigan

Shelby Muller, Englefeld


Continuing Care Assistant – Punnichy

Ruth Bear, George Gordon First Nation

Jody Keller, Lestock

Rianne Nanapay, George Gordon First Nation

Tiffany Pambrun, Onion Lake First Nation

Alexis Windigo, Muskowekwan First Nation

Theresa Wolfe, Muskowekwan First Nation


Continuing Care Assistant – Wynyard

Kelsie Bromm, Wynyard

Rebecca Grant, Foam Lake

Janelle Haw, Wynyard

Natasha King, Wynyard

Lynice Nanaquetung, Fishing Lake First Nation

Christian Singkala, Wynyard


Electrician – Humboldt

Hunter Breckner, Meacham

Dallas Dufault, Lanigan

Skyler Grey, Colonsay

Levi Gudnason, Wynyard

Brooke Johnson, Annaheim

Carson Kirzinger, Leroy

Luthando Koyana, Annaheim

Anthony Lummerding, Bruno

Andrew Patterson, Meacham

Levi Senko, Humboldt

Cameron Torrie, St. Brieux


Office Administration – Humboldt

Shae Bold, Spalding

Angela Doherty, Humboldt

Taneil King, Bruno

Claire Markewich, Moose Jaw

Kelsey Pratchler, Muenster

Andrea Still, Humboldt


Power Engineering Technician – Humboldt

Andrew Bird, Humboldt

Carter Glover, Eston

David Lacoursiere, Humboldt

Kaedan McPhee, Hanley

Dion Mohr-Parker, Grand Coulee


Primary Care Paramedic – Humboldt

James Anderson, Bruno

Tammy Bonneau, Prince Albert

Angela Bushman, Lanigan

Jonathan England, Swift Current

Kethia Gies, Middle Lake

Joelle Hoeflicher, Lake Lenore

Joshua Mansfield, Muenster

Jesika Rachkewich, Rose Valley

Wilbert Rocillo, Saskatoon

Jordan Stewart, Humboldt

Brenna Stone, Humboldt


Security Officer – Punnichy

Stanley Bird, George Gordon First Nation

Ginger Blind, George Gordon First Nation

Jessica Ewenin, Kawacatoose First Nation

Charnelle Hunter, Muskowekwan First Nation

Dawnis McIvor, Kawacatoose First Nation

Cameron McNab-Blind, George Gordon First Nation

Leigha Pratt, George Gordon First Nation

Hanna Thomas-Pratt, Punnichy

Mary Wolfe, Muskowekwan First Nation


Welding – Humboldt

Lorne Abrey, Humboldt

Ryan Dwayne Dale, Plunkett

David Fleck, Humboldt

Zachary Fowler, Saskatoon

Ryan Gray, Humboldt

Caitlin Karakochuk, Wynyard

Shane Kupchinski, St. Brieux

Christian Libaton, Lanigan

Tyler Munroe, Humboldt

Kody Perlett, Humboldt


Adult 12 – Humboldt

Joel Arcand, Humboldt

Dayshia Breit, Humboldt

Jade Bosshard, Middle Lake

Cheyane Bussey, Bruno

Brittney Chemko, Nokomis

Carol Goertzen, Vonda

Jeffrey Harris, Wakaw

Maverick Hardman, Humboldt

Braidon Kehrig, Watson

Danielle Rus, Humboldt

Ryan Stumborg, Humboldt


Adult 12 - Punnichy

Chantelle Cheekinew, Yellow Quill First Nation

Aaron Cyre, George Gordon First Nation

Donald Desjarlais, Kawacatoose First Nation

Donnell Desjarlais, Kawacatoose First Nation

Donovan Desjarlais, Kawacatoose First Nation

Loggan Ewenin-Favel, Kawacatoose First Nation

Patricia Ewenin-Favel, Kawacatoose First Nation

Steven Mahingen, Kawacatoose First Nation

Emerson Nashacappo, Kawacatoose First Nation

Jakota Still, Ochapowace First Nation

Candace Wolfe, Muskowekwan First Nation

Fallon Worm, Kawacatoose First Nation


Adult 12 - Wadena

Mohamed Hassan, Wadena

Allie Hunter, Wadena

Tracy Kittiekaywinnie, Fishing Lake First Nation

Tanika Machiskinic, Kawacatoose First Nation

Tyson McNab, George Gordon First Nation

Denny Nanaquwetung, Fishing Lake First Nation

Chad Nataucappo, Fishing Lake First Nation

Ryan Nataucappo, Fishing Lake First Nation

Shelby Natowcappo, Fishing Lake First Nation

Kjalyko Penner, Wadena

Amanda Quewezance, Wadena

Debbie Sabit, Fishing Lake First Nation


Adult 12 – Wakaw

Ernestine Almightyvoice, Wakaw

Susan Chamakese, One Arrow First Nation

Linda Badger, One Arrow First Nation

Sidney John II, Beardy's and Okemasis' Cree Nation

Myron Paul, Wakaw

April Prosper, One Arrow First Nation

Nichole Seeseequasis, One Arrow First Nation

Samuel Tait, Wakaw

Adult 10 - Punnichy

Merle Albert, Muskowekwan First Nation

Delmont Asapace, Kawacatoose First Nation

Chantel Blue Eyes, Kawacatoose First Nation

Dilyn Crowe-Buffalo, Day Star First Nation

Charissa Desjarlais, Kawacatoose First Nation

Taron Desjarlais, Kawacatoose First Nation

Sundance Ewenin, Kawacatoose First Nation

Lily-Mae Ewenin-Favel, Kawacatoose First Nation

Destiny Littletent, Kawacatoose First Nation

Richard McNab, George Gordon First Nation


To view pdf version of Carlton Trail College's Class of 2019 - 2020 List click here

Carlton Trail College