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Training Funds Available for Unemployed Workers
Carlton Trail College participating in provincial, pilot funding program

September 18, 2019 – Due to recent developments in the forestry, steel and aluminum, agriculture, coal, construction, oil and gas and mining sectors, unemployed workers may be able to access funding for training to re-enter the labour market.

The Training Voucher Pilot for Unemployed Workers recently had its program dates extended, meaning that eligible individuals may qualify for funds to participate in approved, training opportunities that start on or before January 14, 2020

Individuals must contact their nearest Labour Market Services Office to determine their eligibility for funding.

Carlton Trail College is a strategic partner in this initiative, offering a variety of training programs and courses within its larger region.

“With recent layoffs in key sectors within the region,” says Deanna Gaetz, Business and Skills Training Manager, “we wanted to ensure workers could be connected to additional training opportunities. We’re pleased our partnership with the Government of Saskatchewan makes this possible.”

For more information, contact:

Deanna Gaetz
Carlton Trail College, Business and Skills Training
Office: 306-682-6851
Jennifer Brooks
Carlton Trail College, Development and Communications
Office: 306-682-6851
Cell: 306-318-9000

Printable Media Release

Training Voucher Fact Sheet


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