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Needs Assessment Project to Look at Regional Labour Market Activity
Employers asked to take 15 minutes to complete workforce survey

October 1, 2019 – Carlton Trail College is coordinating efforts to gather regionalized, labour market information for an area of east-central Saskatchewan. As various reports have emerged that project skills shortages and labour scarcity across Canada, this project seeks to better understand what is happening in the labour market at a regional level.

Employers across the region will be asked about their current and projected human resource needs, the demographics of their workforce, recruitment strategies and challenges as well as their perspective on candidate skills, education and training.

The Regional Needs Assessment Employer Survey is available online at Carlton Trail College’s website from October 1 to 25, 2019. Regional businesses, large and small, are encouraged to participate. Staff will also be reaching out to various employers and business organizations to encourage participation. Survey data will be analyzed and compiled into a report.

For the east-central region, Carlton Trail College’s CEO, Shelley Romanyszyn-Cross, believes “the information employers provide will be invaluable. While our organization already engages employers in a number of ways, hearing from businesses about their specific opportunities and challenges will provide a more accurate picture as to what is happening – and what skills or jobs may be needed – across our region.” 

Provincial labour market information is available from the Government of Saskatchewan at:

For more information, contact:

Shelley Romanyszyn-Cross, CEO
Carlton Trail College
Office: 306-682-2623
Jennifer Brooks
Carlton Trail College, Development and Communications
Office: 306-682-6851
Cell: 306-318-9000
Printable Media Release


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