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Carlton Trail College Practical Nursing Students and Faculty and Seniors


Practical Nursing Students Reach Out to Seniors

Students and faculty from Carlton Trail College’s Practical Nursing Program in Watrous organized a Tea to thank the 27 seniors who participated in the “Well Senior Community Experience.”  The Tea was held at the Practical Nursing Facility in Watrous on May 17th.  Each senior received a Certificate of Appreciation. 

The “Well Senior Community Experience” is part of the Practical Nursing Program where students gain experience in working with seniors in the community.  Students visit their assigned senior five times.  Through these home visits, the students developed an understanding of the concerns of older adults and learned about the supports seniors require to remain independent.  The students also gained assessment skills and developed their own communication skills.

“This experience is invaluable and is the part of nursing that you don’t find in a text book,” said Jadah Mensch, Practical Nursing Instructor.  “I can’t teach this in a classroom, you have to experience it and grow” said Mensch.  “Our students started this assignment feeling nervous and uncertain, and finished confident and sad to say goodbye to their wonderful seniors.”

There are 18 students enrolled in the Practical Nursing Program in Watrous.  The Practical Nursing Program is one of many post-secondary programs that Carlton Trail College offers.  Students are accepted into the program every two years with the next program intake scheduled for February 2021. 

Carlton Trail College serves the career, employment, training and educational needs of students, business and industry in east central Saskatchewan.  With offices in Humboldt, Watrous, and Wynyard and classrooms throughout the region, Carlton Trail College provides exceptional education and training opportunities which create important academic, social, and economic advantages for students and the organizations that employ Carlton Trail students.

For more information, contact:

Val Koroluk, Marketing Facilitator
Carlton Trail College




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