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CCA WIN YOUR TUITION:  Apply to any of our Continuing Care Assistant programs BEFORE AUGUST 9TH, and be entered to WIN YOUR TUITION!!!

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Notice: To Students Applying to Carlton Trail College Programs

There is a possibility of the disruption of Canada Post Services. In the event of a labour disruption, Canada Post may not accept or deliver any mail.

To ensure that we receive your application, please DO NOT send anything through Canada Post until this issue is settled. You may apply online by finding the applicable program in our Program and Course Catalog and submitting the online application form. Alternately, you may deliver your printed application to one of the Carlton Trail College offices located in Humboldt, Wynyard, Southey and Watrous.

Please ensure that you include an active email address when you complete your online application form and check it regularly as this will be our method of contacting you.

Remember to request an official copy of your Saskatchewan high school transcript at Sask Learning will have your transcript delivered to us.

If you have any questions, please phone us at 1.306.682.2623 or 1.800.6672623.


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