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Carlton Trail College
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CCA WIN YOUR TUITION:  Apply to any of our Continuing Care Assistant programs BEFORE AUGUST 9TH, and be entered to WIN YOUR TUITION!!!


General Interest Courses

A woman tasting wine in a general interest wine tasting class.

If you want to…

  • discover your hidden talents,
  • develop your passions,
  • create something new, or
  • stimulate your mind,

…Carlton Trail College can help you.

We offer a wide array of classes in…

  • Alternative Health
  • Creative Pursuits
  • Fitness
  • Food and Wine
  • Horticulture
  • Do-It-Yourself
  • Personal Interest

Explore Our General Interest Classes...

Explore All of Our Programs...

We can customize these programs or source other courses for your group or organization and deliver them onsite or at one of our facilities.

We also offer a wide array of online courses that may pique your interest.

For more information, contact your nearest Carlton Trail College office…



Carlton Trail College