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Computer & Technology Training

Girl smiling and classmates in background in a computer class.

Computers, computer programs and other forms of technology are a rapidly growing and changing force in today’s society.

If you want to…

  • learn basic computer skills,
  • improve your internet or social media knowledge,
  • develop your skills on a specific software program,
  • learn how to use other forms of technology such as Tablets and iPads, or
  • invest in the computer skills of your employees,

…Carlton Trail College can help you.

We offer the following types of courses…

  • Computer Basics
  • Internet and Technology
  • Software Training

Explore Our Computer and Technology Courses...

Explore All of Our Programs...

We can customize our courses or source other courses for your business or organization and deliver them onsite or at one of our facilities.

We also offer a wide array of online courses that you can take to develop your computer and technology skills.

For more information, contact your nearest Carlton Trail College Office in…



Carlton Trail College