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6.9 - Eligibility for Basic Education - Policy

Section:           Students
Subject:           Eligibility for Basic Education
Policy:              6.9
Approved:      March 20, 2001
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Carlton Trail College's goal in Basic Education is to assist students to achieve successful completion of their secondary education. This goal includes the achievement of performance standards and specific outcomes within a defined time frame.

PTA eligibility has been restricted to those students attending 20 or more hours of class per week.

Students who are taking 3 or more classes per semester or 6 classes per academic year, which equates to 60% of full-time studies (20 hours per week), will be eligible to apply for Provincial Training Allowance.

Students cannot take classes that they do not need just to make themselves eligible for Provincial Training Allowance.  This does not prevent students from taking the classes, just from being eligible for Provincial Training Allowance.