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6.5 - Confidentiality - Policy

Section:           Students
Subject:           Confidentiality
Policy:              6.5
Approved:      May 17, 2000
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Security of Student Information

To protect the privacy of the student, the College must acquire written consent of a student prior to release of any personally identifiable information contained in the official student record. The College may release general statistical information to appropriate government agencies.  Exceptions will also be made in emergency situations involving perceived danger to persons.       

6.5 - Confidentiality - Procedure

Section:           Students
Subject:           Confidentiality
Procedure:     6.5
Approved:      May 17, 2000
Revised:          November 1, 2015

With the exceptions noted below, no information regarding a student's status or official academic record will be released by an individual other than the President and CEO or the VP Administration.

If information is requested, it will only be released upon the written consent of the student or at the discretion of the President and CEO, VP Administration or VP Academic.

Information regarding the name, program, and ID number of a student will be provided on a class list.  This class list will be available for the confidential use of the instructor.

The President and CEO or VP Administration may exercise discretion in releasing information to law enforcement officials in situations that warrant such release.

When training service is being provided on a contractual basis and no individual tuition fee applies, information from the student's record may be reported back to the client organization.  Other sponsors require a release to receive information.

The College recognizes the privacy and the confidentiality of students' records/files throughout the College.  Release of information contained in these files is subject to the following guidelines:

  • Upon request, the President and CEO or the VP Administration may provide students with the opportunity to view information on their student file.
  • Instructors and administrative officers of the college who have a legitimate interest in the material and demonstrate a need to know shall be permitted access to view the academic records of any student. (Such legitimate interest is presumed in the case of faculty members coordinating the student's program, serving on committees of selection or appeals).

The official student academic records, supporting documents, and other student files are confidential and shall be the administrative responsibility of the VP Academic.

Financial Aid Information

The Registration Associate maintains financial aid records which may include:

  • the institutional copy of Saskatchewan and Canada student loans
  • applications for scholarships and bursaries
  • copies of letters to students
  • withdrawal/leaver forms

The Registration Associate will provide confirmation of enrolment, withdrawal and full/part-time status to funding agencies.

Counselling Information

The Student Advisor may maintain files on individual students which may include copies of letters to students (e.g. academic probation, academic suspension or termination) and professional notations on counseling cases.