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6.3 - Provincial Training Allowance - Policy

Section:           Students
Subject:           Provincial Training Allowance
Policy:              6.3
Approved:      March 20, 2001
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Carlton Trail College is authorized to administer the Provincial Training Allowance.  The College shall have in place procedures that provide for the approval of programs for PTA eligibility and for the administration of student benefits under the Provincial Training Allowance, as specified in the Act and Regulations.        

6.3 - Provincial Training Allowance - Procedure

Section:           Students
Subject:           Provincial Training Allowance
Procedure:     6.3
Approved:      August 16, 2000
Revised:          November 1, 2015

General Information

The PTA is Provincial Government funding provided for students enrolled in Basic Education, Quick Skills and Bridging programs.  With the exception of Basic Education, programs must be between 4 and 11 weeks in length in order to be eligible.

The first step in gaining PTA funding is to have the program approved by Labour Market Development Division, Ministry of the Economy.  There must be at least one month's lead-time to approve programs.  Please contact the Manager of Student Services regarding program approvals.

Upon official acceptance into a PTA-approved program, students will complete the PTA application form.  This application form will then be authorized by Carlton Trail College and submitted to Labour Market Development Division, Ministry of the Economy.  Students are assessed based on their financial situation (and that of their spouse/parents), living situation and number of dependents.  Upon completion of this process, students are sent an assessment and the College receives a copy for the student file.


Students receiving the PTA are automatically eligible for Supplementary Health Benefits. 


Payments for the upcoming month will be transferred electronically into student accounts on the last working day of each month.  For example, payments received August 31, will be for expenses incurred during the month of September.  Students will receive a "pay stub."

Manual cheques will only be done in the event that a client is absolutely unable to get a bank account or in the event of a garnishee order against them.

In order for changes to be processed in time for the last day of the month, Saskatchewan Learning must have notification of changes at least 3 days in advance.  If the changes indicate that the student has been underpaid for that month, incremental payment will be made within 3 days of processing. 

Students who were previously receiving Social Assistance may notice a delay in receiving the PTA.  This is due to the fact that Social Assistance does their "pay runs" between the 15th and the 18th of the month.  If the PTA application form is not processed before that time, the PTA will assume that the student has already been picked up by Social Services for that month and will start the PTA in the next month.  (e.g., student start date is September 14.  PTA form is processed on September 20.  PTA funding will not start until November 1).

National Child Benefit

Benefits are paid, based on last year's income tax return, to everyone with children.  Many of our students have not filed a tax return - they must do so in order to receive the benefit.  Because it is available to everyone, the PTA considers it as income to be used to offset the PTA.  For each dependent child, the PTA is reduced by $125/month.  Revenue Canada pays the benefit directly to the student.

Saskatchewan Employment Supplement

The Saskatchewan Employment Supplement (SES) is a Provincial program available to anyone with employment/farming/self-employment income that has dependent children under the age of 18.  The SES is not considered as income for PTA purposes.

Employment Income

Students are required to report any income/child support received while they are on the PTA.  A portion of it will be considered to offset the PTA.


Once a student has been assessed, it is their responsibility to notify us of any changes to their situation.  This includes changes to daycare, income (both personal and spousal), number of dependents, change of address, etc.  The change form will be authorized and forwarded to Saskatchewan Learning for re-assessment.  In the event that an overpayment exists, funds will be deducted at the rate of 10% of entitlement per month.  It is extremely important that changes be kept current in order to avoid overpayments.  Students must provide copies of day care receipts and pay stubs (if applicable) at the end of each month.

Verification of Changes

This must be done every three months for the longer programs and once every month for the short-term programs.


Students with questions about their assessments should contact the Registration Clerk.  In special circumstances, it is possible to appeal to the PTA to have a re-assessment done.  Appeals must also be channeled through the Registration Clerk.  Under no circumstances are students to contact the PTA directly.

Duration of Assistance

PTA is available for qualifying students as long as they are making satisfactory progress.  The expectation is that students should be able to complete all their training within 36 months.

Students who have received PTA for 36 months or more (prior to their new program start date) will be advised that they are not eligible for further funding and that they must contact their training centre to discuss continued eligibility.

The VP Academic, in consultation with the Student Services and ABE Managers and Instructors of the applicable program will review the student's progress and if deemed to be satisfactory will recommend to the Programs Branch of Saskatchewan Learning that the student continue in the program. (See form at Appendix A.)

Programs Branch will then approve/not approve continuation of PTA beyond 36 months.  Once approval is received from the Programs Branch, Student Financial Assistance Branch can provide funding.


Students receive funding for the entire month regardless of when they discontinue the program; therefore it is crucial that we be notified of discontinuations as soon as they happen (e.g., if a student leaves the program on September 29, we need to know immediately in order to notify Saskatchewan Learning to stop their October Payment).  Saskatchewan Learning would like to have one week's notice; however, if necessary, a payment can be stopped as late as 9 a.m. on the day previous to "pay day".

Upon discontinuation of PTA funding, Labour Market Development Division will notify Social Services that a student (who previously received social assistance) is no longer receiving PTA funding; however, it is the student's responsibility to ensure continuation of support.


There is to be one contact person from each College/Institute that deals directly with them. For Carlton Trail College, the PTA contacts are the Student Services Manager or VP Academic.

Eligibility for Basic Education

Carlton Trail College's goal in Basic Education is to assist students to achieve successful completion of their secondary education.  This goal includes performance standards and specific outcomes within a defined time frame.

PTA eligibility is been restricted to those students attending 20 or more hours of class per week.

  • Students who are taking 3 or more classes per semester or 6 classes per academic year (full time studies - 20 hours per week) will be eligible to apply for Provincial Training Allowance.
  • A student cannot take classes that they do not need just to become eligible for Provincial Training Allowance. This does not prevent students from taking the classes, just from being eligible for Provincial Training Allowance.

A student who has already received a passing grade in a class will not be able to use that class to become eligible for Provincial Training Allowance. This does not prevent students from taking the class, just from being eligible for Provincial Training Allowance.