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6.12 - End of Program Celebrations - Policy

Section:            Students
Subject:            End of Program Celebrations
Policy:               6.12
Approved:       January 20, 2004
Revised:           January 5, 2018

Carlton Trail College shall support End of Program celebrations in recognition of the value in celebrating student achievement.

A portion of student fees, determined annually, shall be set aside for end of program celebrations.

The Board of Directors shall endeavour to have a representative at each Year End celebration for adult basic education Level 4 and institute credit programs exceeding 12 weeks.

The College will permit the consumption of alcoholic beverages at festivities by those able to do so by law, but will not provide funds or services for such.

6.12 - End of Program Celebrations - Procedure

Section:            Students
Subject:            End of Program Celebrations
Procedure:      6.12
Approved:       January 20, 2004
Revised:           January 17, 2018

As a base, $30 per full-time or part-time student who has graduated or has completed studies less practicum experience shall be set aside for end of program celebrations. A charge for the meal will be levied to those students not completing or graduating and wishing to attend the celebration, and guests of all students. Expenses not covered by the above will be charged to the respective program budget.

End of Program celebrations shall be provided for adult basic education (ABE) and institute credit programs. The type of celebration (e.g., formal, semi-formal or informal) and time (e.g., luncheon or supper) shall be decided jointly by students, instructor and program manager.

Where possible, program staff are encouraged to plan multi-class exercises.

All prepared items such as invitations, celebration programs, and certificates shall use the official Carlton Trail College visual identity templates.

All students completing Institute credit and ABE Level 4 programs shall receive a Carlton Trail College Certificate of Attendance, and ABE Level 3 students will receive a Carlton Trail College Certificate of Completion.

All students in Institute Credit programs are eligible to attend the brokering institution's graduation exercises.



  • Institute Credit programs:
    • Program graduates and completers will receive a College frame and group picture
    • Practical Nursing students will receive a licensed practical nursing pin
  • ABE programs:
    • Level 4 program graduates will receive a College frame and group picture
    • Level 1, 2 & 3 completers will receive a college promotional item not exceeding $10


  • See Gift Giving Protocol – attached to this procedure.



  • Awards, funded out of the program budgets, will be given out for all level 3 & 4 programs.
    • Academic Achievement - $100
    • Most Improved - $50 

Institute Credit Programs

  • For core funded programs that are full-time and 12 weeks and over:
    • One student per program will be the recipient of a performance based award funded through the Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Scholarship (SIOS) fund.
  • For programs that are less than 12 weeks but more than 8, the following awards, funded by the program, will be given:
    • Academic Achievement - $100
    • Most Improved or best attendance - $50
  • For full programs ran on a part-time basis (over a year), with a single cohort, the following awards will be given out:
    • Academic Achievement Award - $100
    • Most Improved or best attendance - $50
  • For part-time programs with continuous intake, no awards will be given.


Fundraising for specific purposes such as graduation or college clothing is permitted by Carlton Trail College. Approval by program manager must be received prior to starting fundraising activities.

Fundraising activities are the sole responsibility of the students and will be outside the auspices of the college. Raffles or lotteries are not permitted.

6.12 - End of Program Celebrations - Appendix A

Section:        Students
Subject:        End of Program Celebrations
Appendix:    A
1.  Setting Dates
  • Graduation dates should be set within the first 6 weeks of the program start. For programs less than 12 weeks, graduation dates should be set within the first 3 weeks.
  • Once date is set, program manager or designate shall advise Executive Assistant of the following:

Program name

Program Length

Length of practicum &/0r work placements

# of grads

Date & Time

Venue/location of event

Sponsors/Partners/Brokering institution

Type of event

Instructor(s) name(s)

Additional notes

  • The Executive Assistant will populate the Year End Celebration chart with the above information and share accordingly with Board and Executive Team.
  • Every effort should be made not to change the date or time once it has been set.
  • Graduations will not be held on Saturdays.

2.  Invitations, Guests and Guest Remarks

  • All guests need to be invited at least one month prior to the celebration.
  • Those guests that will be asked to make remarks at the celebration need to be asked at the same time the invitation is sent out. The guest will need to be advised on what their speaking role will be at the celebration.
  • Internally, a Year End Celebration Program Information Template, found on SharePoint, will be completed electronically by the Program Manager or delegate and sent to the Executive Assistant. This document will be shared with the representatives from both the Board and Executive Team. This document should be received by the Executive Assistant at least one week prior to the celebration.
  • Official college invitations for program partners (e.g. Bands, Tribal Council, organizations, brokering institution) will be sent by program managers, or designate, electronically when possible.
  • Official College invitations for government and town/city officials will be sent by Executive Assistant electronically.
  • PDAs are not expected to attend year end celebrations, but are welcome to participate in celebrations held outside of regular work hours. The college will cover the cost of their meal, but will not pay overtime or allow for TIL.
  • Program managers require prior approval from the Manager of ABE and Student Services prior to inviting advisors to year-end celebrations.

3.  Programs

  • Official College programs will be utilized and should be prepared at least one week prior to the event. Those individuals that will be making remarks at the celebration should be in receipt of a program at least one week prior the event.
    • Programs for program partners (e.g. Bands, Tribal Council, organizations, brokering institution) will be sent by program managers, or designate.
    • Programs for government and town/city officials, College Board, and Executive Team will be sent by the Executive Assistant.
  • There will be 3 program templates to be used as follows:
    • Standard program template
      • to be used for all programs with the exception of those noted below.
    • Partnership program template
      • Where program is done in partnership with a 3rd party (e.g., Band, Tribal Council, other organization) the ‘partnership’ program will be used so partnerships can be recognized.
    • ABE Level X program template
      • For ABE programs, students will have the opportunity to prepare artwork that will be used for the back page of programs for ABE year end celebrations.
  • In order to maintain consistency, both in terms of messaging and branding, alterations to the format of the three program templates is not permitted.

4.  Sound System / Podium

  • Make decisions and arrangements well in advance where sound system or podium required.
  • Test the sound system prior to event to ensure it is in working order.

5.  Scholarships / Awards

  • Decisions about awards should be made at least two weeks in advance of event in order to ensure that appropriate signing authorities are available to sign cheques and award certificates.
  • These decisions will be based on the marks as of the date the decision is made and therefore, may not include final marks.

6.  Class & Celebration Pictures

  • Class pictures need to be taken several weeks prior to the year-end celebrations so that pictures can be printed and inserted into frames.
  • Make arrangements to have someone serve as ‘official photographer’ for the event if necessary. 
  • The College trade show vertical banner(s) should be utilized at all year end celebrations and should be placed near the podium and used as a background for photos.
    • Confirm availability of the banner(s) and camera with the Marketing Facilitator.

7.  Certificates and Folders

  • Certificates can and should be printed WELL in advance (a month or more) of the event.
  • If a student withdraws after the certificates have been printed, the onus is on the program manager to ensure that the certificate is removed from the pile.
  • The following process will be followed for completion of certificates:
    • Skills Training
      • Each PDA who has responsibility for the program is responsible for completing the certificate templates, printing on certificate paper, putting on the seals and sending the certificates to Humboldt to give to the President and CEO for signing. The Executive Assistant will press seals with embossing seal and return certificates to the PDA.
    • ABE
      • Completed in Humboldt by ABE PDA and given to Executive Assistant to forward to President and CEO for their signature.

8.  Meal Arrangements

  • Pre-plan menu options and payment method.
  • How is meal being paid for?
    • Purchase Order?
    • Paid by credit card of one of the attending Executive Team or Program Manager
    • Paid by cheque?
      • If being paid by cheque, ensure arrangements are made at least 1 week prior to event so signing authorities are available. 

9.  Seating Plan

  • Make decisions and arrangements well in advance of where speakers/guests/instructors are going to sit, and mark the spots accordingly.
  • Where are students and their family going to sit?
    • Is there arranged seating for students? If so make arrangements in advance.
10.  Clean-up
  • Make decisions and arrangements well in advance.

Gift and Thank-You Protocol

 Guest Speakers:

Periodically, guest speakers are brought into a classroom as experts in a certain area or to enhance what the instructor is teaching. If they are not being paid by Carlton Trail College we will show our appreciation through the giving of a small gift.

Guest speakers will be presented with a Carlton Trail College gift ($5-$10 value).

The distribution of this will be at the Program Manager’s discretion.

 Work Placements/Practicum Sites/Clinical Placements:

Carlton Trail College has committed to providing hands on experience to our students whenever possible. We rely on our business community as well as our public institutions (hospitals, nursing homes, home care, schools, day cares, etc.) to assist us with this portion of our students’ education.  This requires disruption of their workplace, the commitment of a supervisor and has an impact on the business’ staff members.

Because our placements vary from one to six weeks and staff sizes of the businesses/organizations we deal with vary, businesses/organizations will be presented with a gift, purchased at the discretion of the Program Manager. For example:

  • 1-3 week work placements: $10-$15 per site
  • More than 3 weeks and with multiple students (i.e., nursing home): $20-$25 per site

The cost of these items will be included in the program budget and the distribution will be at the Program Manager’s discretion.