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5.4 - Basic Education Tuition - Policy

Section:           Programs
Subject:           Basic Education Tuition
Policy:              5.4
Approved:      February 19, 2003
Revised:          November 1, 2015

In order for Carlton Trail College to allocate necessary resources in support of Basic Education programs, a tuition fee shall be charged to those students who are sponsored by an agency, (e.g., Workers Compensation Board).               

5.4 - Basic Education Tuition - Procedure

Section:           Programs
Subject:           Basic Education Tuition
Procedure:     5.4
Approved:      February 19, 2003
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Program Tuition

An hourly rate shall be determined annually at the commencement of the fall semester.  This rate shall be calculated using the current Basic Education Conditional Grant and the prior year's participant hours for Basic Education Credit program(s).

Course Tuition

The tuition for an individual course shall be equal to the tuition rate charged by the Provincial Correspondence School for that or similar courses.