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5.1 - Program Coordination - Policy

Section:           Programs
Subject:           Program Coordination
Policy:              5.1
Approved:      March 19, 2002
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013 
Revised:          November 1, 2015          

The College's Senior Academic Officer shall ensure that programming activities are coordinated in order to maintain public and student access and the College's response to identified needs, and to provide for the viability of the College's operations.

5.1 - Program Coordination - Procedure

Section:           Programs
Subject:           Program Coordination
Procedure:     5.1
Approved:      March 19, 2002
Revised:          November 1, 2015     

Carlton Trail College provides credit and non-credit programs to adults throughout the designated region.  To better administer the delivery of programs and services, the College has established regional offices, which operate within prescribed areas.

Increasingly, the College is faced with challenges arising from the changing demographics of the region's population.  In addition, the College is under increasing pressure to achieve administrative recovery from its programs to offset higher operating expenditures.

It is incumbent upon the College's programming staff to collaborate, while also coordinating programming activities, to meet the above challenges.  Such collaboration and coordination is to:

  • be respectful, timely and regular
  • show evidence of teamwork to achieve College goals
  • be carried out in an appropriate manner, focused on student and community needs

Collaboration and coordination in programming activities enable the College to:

  • deliver programs to a sufficient client base, where as such a critical mass may otherwise be difficult to achieve
  • meet revenue generation targets
  • allocate resources in an efficient manner
  • maintain a positive public image and perception of competence

The central component of a strategy to collaborate and coordinate is one of timely, regular, and appropriate communication.  As such, the following are minimal requirements to guide that strategy:

  • exchange of information at regularly scheduled Manager meetings
  • circulation of flyers and other promotional materials prior to, and subsequent to, publication
  • ad hoc exchange of information regarding ideas, issues, funding, staff and students
  • notice to the College's receptionist(s) and Program Delivery Associates of programming activities

The above procedure should result in an effective academic program that meets the identified needs of learners and of the College.  If required, the Senior Academic Officer shall act as arbiter for the resolution of issues unable to be resolved by the respective programming staffs.