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3.22 - Recruitment, Selection and Retention of Out-of-Scope Staff - Policy

Section:           Human Resources 
Subject:           Recruitment, Selection and Retention of Out-of-Scope Staff
Policy:              3.22
Approved:      March 16, 2004
Revised:          November 1, 2015

In accordance with Section 10 of the Regional College Act and Section 7 (2) of the regulations, the Board of Directors is required to maintain personnel policies respecting its employees.

The President and CEO is responsible for all out-of-scope staffing.  As such, he or she shall insure that recruitment and selection processes are designed to attract the best possible candidates from across the province (or beyond), depending on the specific position to the filled.

The Board also wishes to ensure that personnel policies respecting out-of-scope staff are fair and equitable vis-a-vis unionized employees, therefore, the benefits shall be no less than, but not restricted to, those provided to unionized employees.

Moving/Relocation Expenses

These may be paid at the discretion of the College in accordance with the provisions of the individual's contract.  Saskatchewan Government Public Service Commission (PSC) rates will be followed.

Position Description and Salary Ranges

Position descriptions for all out-of-scope staff shall be maintained by the VP Administration.

Salary shall be adjusted annually on the employee's anniversary date. 

Salary shall be paid in accordance with the salary grids approved by Advanced Education.


Following initial hiring, all out-of-scope staff, except the Administrative Assistant and the Executive Secretary, shall serve a probationary period of twelve months.

The Administrative Assistant and the Executive Secretary shall serve a probationary period of six months.

As part of each evaluation, the supervisor and the employee shall, early in the employment period, list the particulars expected to serve as a basis for discussion of the employee's progress toward achieving the objectives of the position.

Performance Review

Procedures for the evaluation of out-of-scope staff shall follow the Performance Review Policy and Procedure.


Annual leave and designated holidays shall be the same as those for in-scope staff.

Vacation entitlements may be carried over into the following year.  Ten days would normally be the maximum; however, additional carry-over may be obtained with President and CEO approval.

Hours of Work

While the hours of work for out-of-scope employees are not precisely defined, there is the understanding that personnel will work the hours required to do the job.  Taking this into consideration, twelve days per year shall be awarded.

The Administrative Assistant and the Executive Secretary shall receive time in lieu for hours over and above the annual FTE appointment.

Sick Leave, Maternity, Paternity, Adoption Leave, Bereavement & Pressing Necessity

The entitlements and administration thereof shall be the same as those for in-scope staff.


Subject to conditions described in Section 13 of the Regional College Regulations, out-of-scope staff participate in the Municipal Employees Pension Plan, the Saskatchewan Teacher's Retirement Plan/Saskatchewan Teacher's Fund or an RRSP approved by the College.

Contributions to the Municipal Employees Pension Plan shall be shared equally with the individual.

Group Insurances

The College agrees to pay the premiums for Group Life Insurance, Dependent Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Health and Dental for all eligible employees. 

Employees will pay the premiums for Long Term Disability Insurance.

When an employee is injured in the performances of his/her duties, or when an employee incurs an industrial illness and the accident or illness is compensable under the provisions of the Workers' Compensation (Accident Fund) Act, the College shall pay such employees an amount equal to one-third of the compensation payment, less his normal income tax deduction, for a period not in excess of one year, for any one accident.  In those instances, where the application of the formula does not produce an amount equal to the employee's salary, the difference will be paid by the College and charged to the employee's accumulated sick leave credits to the extent that these credits are sufficient for this purpose.

Car Allowance

Out-of-scope staff are encouraged to use a College vehicle when they are available.  They may use their own vehicles as required and shall be compensated at the normal PSC rates.

Travel and Sustenance

While in attendance at approved meetings or conferences, all out-of-scope personnel shall be reimbursed for the expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties as per allowances set out by the Saskatchewan Government Public Service Commission.

Contract Termination

The President and CEO will follow the procedures outlined in the Collective Agreement and shall provide notification to the Board of all terminations.


3.22 - Personnel Policies for Out-of-Scope Staff - Procedure

Section:           Human Resources 
Subject:           Personnel Policies for Out-of-Scope Staff
Procedure:      3.22
Approved:      June 13, 2007
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised           November 1, 2015

As per the forward to Policy 3.22, the Board is charged with establishing and maintaining personnel policies for out-of-scope staff.

The Board shall adhere to the Standing Policy on out-of-scope compensation as issued by the Personnel Policy Secretariat on July 25, 2006.

Proposed adjustments to out-of-scope compensation that deviate from the Standing Policy shall be forwarded to the Minister of Advanced Education for prior approval.

Standing Policy on Out-of-Scope Compensation
(Personnel Policy Secretariat - July 25, 2006)


To clarify for public sector employers the approach they should use in determining adjustments to their out-of-scope compensation plans.

Policy Guidelines

Cabinet has approved the following policy guidelines regarding compensation adjustments for all out-of-scope employees, including senior management:

1.  General Economic Adjustments:

  • Where the employer is unionized, the employer must undertake an analysis of economic and benefit improvements negotiated in their respective collective agreements;
  • Allocation of resources to adjustments for out-of-scope compensation must be done in a manner similar (but not necessarily identical) to adjustments made to in-scope compensation; and
  • Where an employer has more than one collective agreement, the employer can choose the most appropriate pattern to follow; but
  • In no case can the total amount of out-of-scope adjustments exceed the total amount of in-scope adjustments.
  • Where the employer is not unionized, the employer is free to make adjustments that best suit its own needs, within the limits established by the public sector mandate.

2.  In-Range Progression:

  • is permitted for out-of-scope employees in accordance with each employer's approved out-of-scope compensation plan
  • shall be tied to an effective performance management system
  • on a group basis, shall not exceed 4% of straight-time annual payroll for the group eligible for in-range progression
  • on an individual basis, shall not exceed a maximum increase of 8% for any employee in any given year


Employers are advised to consult with PPS prior to implementing any general economic adjustments to ensure the appropriate application of this Policy.  Except where governing legislation requires Cabinet approval for changes, employers are not required to seek approval of proposed changes through the Cabinet Committee process if the proposed changes are found to be consistent with this policy.

Employers wanting to change their currently approved out-of-scope compensation plans or make adjustments to out-of-scope compensation in a manner that varies from this policy must submit a formal request for approval through PPS to the Cabinet Committee on Public Sector Compensation prior to implementing any changes.  To facilitate analysis and consensus-building, a draft of the CDI should be submitted to PPS at least 30 days prior to the desired decision time.


Funding for all adjustments will be from the employer's current budget, unless otherwise approved through the Treasury Board process.