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3.18 - Long Service/Retirement Recognition - Policy

Section:           Human Resources
Subject:           Long Service/Retirement Recognition
Policy:              3.18
Approved:      February 7, 1996
Revised:          November 1, 2015

The Carlton Trail College Board of Directors values the contributions of its employees and wishes to pay suitable tribute to those who have served the College for extended periods of time as well as to those retiring.

The Board shall present a memento to each employee for ten, fifteen and twenty years of service to the College and for each successive five years thereafter.

A certificate of long service shall accompany the memento.

The Board shall present a suitable gift memento to each employee upon retirement.         

3.18 - Long Service/Retirement Recognition - Procedure

Section:           Human Resources
Subject:           Long Service/Retirement Recognition
Procedure:     3.18
Approved:      March 16, 2004
Revised:          November 1, 2015

The Board shall, at an appropriate College-wide staff function, present awards to long-term employees and/or retiring employees.

Presentations will be made by the President and CEO and/or the Board Chair or designate. 

Long-service awards shall be presented to staff based on their total number years of service to the College. They differ from seniority in that they are not based on full time equivalent (FTE) or "continuous" service.

The VP Administration shall maintain long service records.

Award values guide shall be:

10 years          $50

15 years          $75

20 years          $100

25 years          $150

Award presentations shall be suitably engraved and be accompanied by a Certificate of Long Service.

Retirement award values shall be $15 per year of continuous service.

The media will be notified through a news release announcing the recipients.