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2.1 - Selection of Auditor - Policy

Section:          Finance
Subject:          Selection of Auditor
Policy:             2.1
Approved:      October 9, 1996
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Upon completion of the audit, the Board of Directors shall appoint an Auditor for the subsequent fiscal year.  The appointment shall be as per requirements in the Act and Regulations.  (September 13, 1982)

2.1 - Selection of Auditor - Procedure

Section:            Finance
Subject:            Selection of Auditor
Procedure:      2.1
Approved:       February 2001
Revised:           November 1, 2015

The Board shall attempt to select an auditor from within the Carlton Trail region.  The Board shall, every four years, alternating with the review of banking services, review tendering of audit services. (September 13, 1982)

As required by legislation, the appointed auditor shall be made aware of, and agree to, the audit process as set out by the Provincial Auditor of Saskatchewan.