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Carlton Trail College
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NOTE: Carlton Trail College is updating its website! If you've applied for a program between July 24-30, 2024, please contact us at 1.800.667.2623 or 306.682.2623 to ensure your application has been received.


50th Anniversary

Carlton Trail College has served the needs of students in Saskatchewan's east-central region since 1973.

Today, our learning region provides over 100 communities with access to post-secondary education and trades training, Adult Basic Education and Essential Skills programs, English Language Training, Continuing Education, and a range of industry and workforce development opportunities!

And, just as the original Carlton Trail route carried important items, messages and people across the prairies, we carry the commitment to empower our learners with the skills and knowledge needed to face an ever-changing world. Read Our Story

During our 2023-24 academic year, we can't wait to celebrate our 50th anniversary! Watch this page and follow our social media channels for more information, engagement opportunities and special event announcements. 

Thank you to everyone who attended our 50th Anniversary Community Appreciation Week activities and 50th Anniversary Celebration - it was great to see you to formally mark five decades of service to the region.

With 50 years of service behind us, we eagerly look forward to the next 50 years!