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Office Administration Certificate

Post-Secondary Education - Business

Sask Polytech Certificate

Your first step to a career in business, government, healthcare, or another sector starts with the Office Administration Certificate.

Get training on the most up-to-date aspects of office administration. Learn about keyboarding, writing, basic accounting, reception, communication, records management, scheduling, and more. Plus, you’ll develop your computer skills in word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, and automated accounting. Practice in class, then develop your skills further during the work experience component.

When you graduate, you’ll be prepared to enter the workforce as a receptionist, administrative assistant, customer service representative, bookkeeper or other position which requires office administration skills.

This program is approximately 32 weeks long.

You’ll need Grade 12 & English Language Requirement.

The following courses are offered:

ACCT 105 - Accounting

You will journalize and post transactions, prepare worksheets, prepare adjusting and closing entries, prepare unaudited financial statements, perform banking and petty cash functions, and prepare employee and employer payroll records.

Credit Units: 4  Course Hours: 60.0

BCOM 100 - Business Communications 1

You will apply grammatical rules and principles in preparation for writing routine business correspondence.

Credit Units: 4  Course Hours: 60.0

IPSK 100 - Interpersonal Communications

You will be given opportunities to develop important skills used to facilitate effective interpersonal communication in the workplace. Your studies will focus on the development of active listening skills, conflict resolution strategies, verbal skills, and an increased understanding of non-verbal messages, and some problem-solving skills.

Credit Units: 3  Course Hours: 45.0

CKEY 101 - Keyboarding 1

You will develop ergonomic keyboarding techniques to attain a touch-typing speed of 35 netWPM with a minimum of 98% accuracy.

Credit Units: 2  Course Hours: 30.0

COAP 115 - Word Processing 1

The course introduces word processing concepts. You will be introduced to common features of Microsoft Word and develop skills in producing and formatting a variety of business documents. You will use a hands-on practical approach to learn the skills required to create letters, tables, and enhancing documents with graphics and diagrams.

Credit Units: 4  Course Hours: 60.0

OPRO 105 - Office Procedures

You will learn time management, customer service, reception, problem solving, and team building skills. You will also learn how to effectively perform office procedures skills related to telephones, incoming and outgoing mail, and business meetings. As well, you will learn internet applications, and how to manage office supplies and business forms.

Credit Units: 4  Course Hours: 60.0

OPRO 133 - Records and Information Management

You will learn about records and information management procedures and equipment as well as various types of filing systems including electronic filing.

Credit Units: 3  Course Hours: 45.0
Prerequisites(s): COMP 115

ACCT 136 - Automated Accounting

Using an automated accounting software package, you will learn how to enter transactions into journals (general, purchase, payments, sales, cash receipts and payroll) and ledgers (general, accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll), learn to account for inventory, and learn to prepare banking records. You will also prepare the initial automated accounting setup for use by a company.

Credit Units: 4  Course Hours: 60.0
Prerequisites(s): ACCT 105 or ACCT 122

BCOM 102 - Business Communications 2

You will continue to develop effective business writing skills. You will write routine business correspondence and apply proofreading and editing skills.

Credit Units: 3  Course Hours: 45.0
Prerequisites(s): BCOM 100

CKEY 102 - Keyboarding 2

You will demonstrate ergonomic and proper keyboarding techniques to attain a speed of 45 netWPM on two separate (different) unrehearsed five-minute timed writings with a minimum of 98% accuracy.

Credit Units: 2  Course Hours: 30.0
Prerequisites(s): CKEY 101

COAP 116 - Word Processing 2

You will continue to develop your skills using advanced word processing functions in form building, mail merge and creating columns. You will focus on developing the skills required to work with multiple page documents such as letters, reports, tables, brochures, and newsletters.

Credit Units: 4  Course Hours: 60.0
Prerequisites(s): COAP 115, CKEY 101

COAP 117 - Spreadsheet Applications

You will learn how to design spreadsheets and apply numeracy skills. You will focus on formatting, applying formulas and functions, preparing charts, and analyzing and organizing spreadsheet data.

Credit Units: 4  Course Hours: 60.0

COAP 138 - Computer Suite Applications

In the course, you will learn to create documents that feature the integration of word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software.

Credit Units: 3  Course Hours: 45.0
Prerequisites(s): COAP 115

PROF 103 - Professional Management

You will focus on your role as an administrative professional. This includes reflecting on professional goal setting and lifelong learning. You will prepare for professional employment by learning interview strategies, developing a resume, cover letter and portfolio. You will review workplace topics such as employee rights and responsibilities, professionalism, and ethics.

Credit Units: 3  Course Hours: 45.0

COMP 115 - Introduction to Organizational Office Technologies

You will learn organizational technologies used to create efficiencies within the operations of an office. You will use a hands-on practical approach to learn and develop skills to build electronic file structures, compose business emails, use email features, prepare calendar events, review virtual communication systems, and examine current office technologies.

Credit Units: 3  Course Hours: 45.0

Application Fee:$ 50.00
Total: $ 50.00

The following is an estimate and is subject to change without notice.

Tuition & Fees Books & Supplies Total





Program Details

Start Date:September 02, 2024
Dates & Times:

Starts September 2024


For More Information Contact Us At

306.682.2623 or 1.800.667.2623