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Security Officer

Post-Secondary Education - Human Services

Sask Polytech Applied Certificate

If you have good people skills, integrity, professionalism, and a desire for a rewarding career protecting people, property, and other assets, then consider becoming a security officer.

Gain practical knowledge and develop skills in crime prevention, control tactics, interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, and mental health first aid. Learn about personal wellness, professionalism, security officer legislation, procedures, protocols, reporting, and more.

Within the program, you’ll write the licensing exam that is required by the Ministry of Justice to allow you to work as a security officer.

You’ll then be prepared to pursue a variety of employment opportunities as a security officer at mine sites, industrial plants, entertainment venues, health care facilities, casinos, shopping malls, and more.

This program is approximately 12 weeks long.

You’ll need Grade 10, English Language Requirement and a satisfactory Criminal Record Check.

You may be eligible for a training allowance.

The following courses are offered:

CORR100 - Managing Clients in Public Safety Settings

You will develop specific skills for interacting with diverse groups of individuals in various public safety situations and settings. Content will include strategies for dealing with clients in high-stress situations and strategies to defuse hostile situations.

Credit Units: 3  Course Hours: 45.0

EMPS 107 - Workplace Wellness

You will examine the roles and concepts of professional behavior in the security industry. You will also examine the components of a healthy lifestyle necessary for wellness in the workplace.

Credit Units: 3  Course Hours: 45.0

JOBR 100 - Job Preparation

You will develop employability skills that allow you to work in the security field.

Credit Units: 2  Course Hours: 30.0

LAW 164 - Reporting Procedures for Security Officers

You will develop observational skills to collect the information necessary for a variety of law enforcement reports. Based on these acquired skills, you will write reports. You will also link information in these reports to the delivery of testimony in court.

Credit Units: 2  Course Hours: 30.0

SECG 100 - Crime Prevention and Technology

You will examine the processes and technologies involved in crime prevention. You will demonstrate the skills necessary to maintain a safe work environment.

Credit Units: 3  Course Hours: 45.0

SECG 101 - Legislation and Procedures for Security Officers

You will examine provincial and federal legislation, policy, and procedures in the security field. Your studies will also include the successful completion of the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act (PISGA) exam.

Credit Units: 4  Course Hours: 60.0

SFTY 157 - Defensive Tactics

You will apply tactical intervention techniques for the assessment and management of difficult situations.

Credit Units: 2  Course Hours: 30.0

WORK 155 - Work Experience

You will participate in a work experience in a community setting where you will demonstrate effective communication and problem-solving skills, and perform assigned security officer functions.

Credit Units: 0  Course Hours: 40.0

The following is an estimate and is subject to change without notice.

Tuition & Fees Books & Supplies Total


$946 $3,899


Program Details

Start Date:February 26, 2024
Dates & Times:

Starts February 26, 2024.  Note:  We are no longer accepting applications for this session. 


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