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6.7 - Examination Invigilation - Policy

Section:           Students
Subject:           Examination Invigilation
Policy:              6.7
Approved:      March 20, 2001
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

This policy will guide the supervision of examination writing for an external agency, educational institution or an individual student to ensure Carlton Trail College is adequately compensated.

A fee for service, in accordance with Procedure 6.7, Appendix A. will be applied to all exam invigilations, excepting those which are part of the programs being delivered by the College.

The policy and procedure reflect the student-centered approach taken by Carlton Trail College to ensure all students are treated fairly and consistently.   

6.7 - Examination Invigilation - Procedure

Section:           Students
Subject:           Examination Invigilation
Procedure:     6.7
Approved:      March 20, 2001
Revised:          August 4, 2016

The fee schedule for payment by the student is attached as Appendix A along with Student Information for Test Taking.

The Exam Invigilation Request for Service form must be completed for all exams.

All invigilation fees are paid directly to Carlton Trail College. 

  • The College will issue a receipt for payment.
  • Arrangements may be made with the College to invoice other institutions or companies for examination fees where there is either a prior arrangement in place or supporting documents regarding the invoicing of fees is received.

All students will be directed to the Program Delivery Associate (PDA)/Receptionist or designate to set up a time and place for invigilation.

  • All invigilation sites will follow the same procedure and fee schedule.
  • The PDA/Receptionist or designate will determine the time, place and fee to be charged as per Appendix A.

Fees paid by the student will be collected prior to the examination.

Statistics on the number of invigilations are to be recorded and sent to the office of the President and CEO on a quarterly basis for tabulation.

6.7 - Examination Invigilation - Appendix A

Section:        Students
Subject:        Examination Invigilation
Appendix:    A
Approved:   March 20, 2001
Revised:       March 30, 2017

All exam sittings are by appointment and based on space and staffing availability. Ensure you confirm receipt of your exam at the College prior to the exam date.

For the invigilation of an exam, the following fees will apply:

Indirect supervision or video supervision (where available) during the regular business hours of the applicable campus:

  • $30 per exam sitting*

Direct and continual supervision during the regular business hours of the applicable campus:

  • $90 per exam sitting*

Special sitting outside the regular business hours of the applicable campus:

  • $90 per exam sitting*

*An exam sitting is equivalent to three hours or a portion thereof. Exams exceeding three hours will have an additional charge of $30/hr or a portion thereof.

Carlton Trail College reserves the right to alter or waive fees for exceptional circumstances that may arise.

Group or contract rates may be established.

See the following link for campus locations, office hours, and contact information:

Student Information About Test Taking

Things you will need:

  • Have an appointment and arrive ten minutes early.
  • Bring and show your photo identification
    • Post-secondary institutions student ID card, driver's license, military ID or current employment ID are acceptable.
  • Bring writing implements - a pen or pencil, eraser, etc.

Things to note:

  • Cell phones and other electronic devices, purses, winter coats, backpacks and food are not allowed in the testing rooms and are to be stored with the exam invigilator.
  • The College supplies scrap paper.
  • Do not ask College staff to review your exam answers as this compromises the security of the exam.
  • Bring your own advocate by ensuring that you have been given the correct exam, test, or quiz.
  • Ensure your name appears on the exam, text, or quiz.
  • Only people taking an exam are allowed in the testing rooms. College staff cannot be responsible for children or adults who require care and/or supervision.