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6.10 - Tutor Services - Policy

Section:           Students
Subject:           Tutor Services
Policy:              6.10
Approved:      March 18, 2003
Revised:          November 1, 2015

The College shall endeavor to provide tutoring services in response to identified needs; nevertheless, students may be expected to contribute towards the cost of their tutoring.    

6.10 - Tutor Services - Procedure

Section:           Students
Subject:           Tutor Services
Procedure:     6.10
Approved:      March 18, 2003
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Carlton Trail College is deemed to have tutorial needs in four program areas:

Institute Credit, Work-Based, Basic Education and Literacy

Students in work-based programs may access tutors for the credit component of their program.

Basic Education is a "self-paced learning program"; therefore, the need for tutor assistance would be deemed to be exceptional.

Tutors in the Literacy program are volunteers from the community who give freely of their time to assist students to learn basic reading, writing and numeracy skills. Although the tutors are volunteers, under exceptional circumstances, and upon approval of the President and CEO, an honorarium may be paid.

Tutors will be authorized and hired by the Learning Specialist in all instances.

Students will be allowed a maximum of ten hours per semester of one-on-one tutoring.  If the need of the student is greater, special circumstances may be approved by the VP Administration.


Identification of need

Need may be identified by Instructors, Student Advisor or the Learning Specialist.  The identification must include evidence of the problem, what kind of tutoring is required, how much time will be involved, and the prognosis expected.

Validation of need

The Learning Specialist will ensure that the need is genuine and that all relevant information is available.  A decision on what kind of tutoring is necessary, what is available and the type of case (special needs or equity) will then be made in consultation with the Instructor.  The Learning Specialist will make the arrangements for the tutor match, including processing of documentation.


Statistical reporting on the number of tutor matches is to be forwarded on a quarterly basis to the VP Academic.