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5.2 - Program Review - Policy

Section:           Programs
Subject:           Program Review
Policy:              5.2
Approved:      September 22, 2000
Revised:          November 1, 2015

An annual program review plan shall be developed by Carlton Trail College Executive Team in consultation with Program Coordinators by July 1.  As a general guideline, no more than one program will be reviewed in any given academic year.

A Program Review Committee shall be established to oversee each program review process.

The response to, and implementation of, the Program Review Committee's recommendations shall be the responsibility of Carlton Trail College Management.

5.2 - Program Review - Procedure

Section:           Programs
Subject:           Program Review
Procedure:     5.2
Approved:      September 22, 2000
Revised:          November 1, 2015

A Program Review Committee shall be established to oversee each program review process. 

The Program Review Committee shall be comprised of:

  • Program Manager (chair)
  • Instructor representative
  • Student representative
  • Student Services representative
  • Stakeholder representatives where appropriate (e.g., sponsoring agencies)
  • Senior Academic Officer (ex officio).

The following programming areas shall be considered in the program review process:

  • Basic Education
  • Literacy
  • Employment Readiness
  • Skills Training
  • Enterprise Division Training

Documentation and relevant information shall be gathered from the following sources where applicable:

  • Students, including current in-progress, graduates or completers, and discontinued
  • Instructional staff
  • Programming staff
  • Student Services
  • Accounting
  • College Management
  • Sponsors
  • Industry and/or Community
  • Brokering Agency.

The anonymity of those providing documentation and relevant information shall be protected whenever possible.

The program review shall measure the following elements:

  • Demographics, including demand and student profiles
  • Program outcomes, including attrition, employment, further education or training, stakeholder satisfaction, and costs
  • Program standards, including accessibility, quality, accreditation, transferability, curriculum, delivery method(s), evaluation methods, staffing, and innovation
  • Student support, including the selection process, counseling, financial aid, communications, and accommodation and travel.

Although the review process may result in criticism, every attempt shall be made to respect the integrity and professionalism of the individuals involved.

The Program Review Committee shall prepare and submit a written report to the President and CEO, who shall provide the Board of Directors with a copy for informational purposes.  The report shall be submitted in a timely manner, providing College Management and the Board of Directors adequate time to incorporate necessary changes in the forthcoming year's Business Plan.