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4.9 - Occupational Health and Safety - Policy

Section:           Operations
Subject:           Occupational Health and Safety
Policy:              4.9
Approved:      April 22, 2003
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

The College believes that staff and students should have a learning and working environment that is safe and free from health hazards. A safe and healthy environment adds value to the quality of the learning/working life of the students and employees.

The College will establish and maintain an Occupational Health and Safety Committee. The Committee shall make recommendations on the initiation and maintenance of a safe and healthy learning/working environment and on policies and practices to ensure the College operates in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act of the Province of Saskatchewan. In its operation, the Committee shall ensure that College staff has the opportunity to contribute to maintaining a safe and healthy environment in an atmosphere of support and open discussion.        

4.9 - Occupational Health and Safety - Procedure

Section:           Operations
Subject:           Occupational Health and Safety
Procedure:     4.9
Approved:      April 22, 2003
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Executive Limitations

The President and CEO shall provide a report to the Board of Directors at least once annually on the work of the Carlton Trail College Occupational Health and Safety Committee and other health and safety issues.

Occupational Health and Safety incidents and issues shall be reported to the President and CEO.

Occupational Health and Safety incidents and other issues shall officially be handled using standard operating practices of the College.

Occupational Health and Safety minutes will be shared with the President and CEO.

4.9 - Occupational Health and Safety - Appendix A

Section:           Operations
Subject:           Occupational Health and Safety
Appendix:       A
Approved:      April 22, 2003
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Terms of Reference

1. Name of Committee

  • The committee shall be the Carlton Trail College Occupational Health and Safety Committee.
  • The Committee shall provide a written report within 10 days of each meeting or investigation to the President and CEO of the College.

2.  Definitions

  • For the purpose of these Terms of Reference, the term "management staff" shall refer to out-of-scope staff members.
  • For the purpose of these Terms of Reference, the term "non-management staff" shall refer to in-scope staff members.
  • For the purpose of these Terms of Reference, the term "Act" shall normally refer to the current Occupational Health and Safety Act, Province of Saskatchewan.
  • For the purpose of these Terms of Reference, the term "Committee" shall normally refer to the Carlton Trail College Occupational Health and Safety Committee.

3.  Membership

  • The Committee will be a minimum of six members. It will consist of one staff member from each of the programming offices and one representative from Management.
  • All non-management staff is eligible to be elected or appointed to the Committee as per Section 15 of the Act.
  • The non-management staff members shall be elected by a vote of all current non-management employees from that centre. Reasonable effort will be taken to designate a representative for each branch centre as per Section 16 of the Act.
  • The management staff members shall be appointed by the President and CEO or designate.
  • The terms of the Committee members shall be two (2) years. One-half the members shall be appointed/elected each year. Staff may be re-appointed or re-elected.
    • Initially, one-half of the non-management staff members shall be appointed/elected to a one-year term and one-half shall be appointed/elected to a two-year term.
  • The term of office shall commence annually on July 1. Members appointed or elected during the year shall serve the remaining portion of the term.
  • The names of the Committee members shall be posted in a designated area in each College Centre.

4.  Officers of the Committee

  • The Committee will have two co-chairs that will rotate the responsibility of the chair. One must be designated by the employer and one to be selected by non-management committee members.
  • The co-chairpersons shall hold office for a period of one year and may be re- appointed or re-elected.
  • The management staff co-chair shall be appointed by the President and CEO or designate. The non-management staff members of the Committee shall elect the non-management staff co-chair.
  • The Committee shall appoint at least one of its members as an Occupational Health & Safety Investigator to investigate accidents and refusal to work. The appointment is for a period of one year and may be renewed. The Investigator shall report to the Committee.

5.  Responsibilities of the Committee

  • The purpose of the Committee is to ensure that all staff, students and Board members are aware of the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of the Province of Saskatchewan and to maintain a safe and healthy learning and working environment at the College.
  • The Committee shall inform, on a regular basis, the staff and College management about the responsibilities of the College and the Committee with respect to the safety and health of the College staff and students.
  • The Committee will assist College management to fulfill its responsibilities by:
    • Enforcing the rules that ensure a safe and healthy environment.
    • Encouraging management to consider the recommendations of the Committee and respond.
    • Supporting the participation of staff members on the Committee.
    • Being aware that the Board and College management are ultimately responsible for a safe and healthy work/learning environment.
    • Abiding by the responsibilities as set out by the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
  • The Committee shall fulfill its legal responsibilities by:
    • Making recommendations to College management to promote a safe and healthy learning/working environment.
    • Making recommendations to College management to ensure policies and practices meet the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
    • Holding regular meetings at intervals not exceeding three (3) months.
    • Ensuring forms are completed as required by the Act.
    • Investigating, reporting and making recommendations on refusals to work due to unsafe conditions and accidents.
    • Inspecting, reporting, and making recommendations on College facilities regularly.
    • Keeping all employees informed of the Committee and the Committee's work.
    • Abiding by the responsibilities as set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

6.  Operations

  • The Committee shall be guided by the values and the policies of the College and the Occupational Health and Safety Act of the Province of Saskatchewan.
  • The Committee shall be responsible for ensuring staff is aware of the Committee, their responsibilities and their work.
  • The purpose of the Committee meeting will be to discuss safety and health issues.
  • The purpose of site inspections will be to identify health and safety issues.