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4.16 - Sponsorship and Donations

Section:           Operations
Subject:           Sponsorship and Donations
Policy:              4.16
Approved:      September 27, 2016

Carlton Trail College recognizes that as a publically funded educational entity it has a duty and obligation to ensure that any funds it redirects towards sponsorships or donations are balanced by mutual benefit to the College and those it serves. 

4.16 - Sponsorship and Donations - Procedure

Section:           Operations
Subject:           Sponsorship and Donations
Policy:              4.16
Approved:      September 27, 2016

All requests for sponsorships and/or donations will be dealt with by the Executive Team. The specific nature of the request, the determination by the Executive Team and the dollar amount of any sponsorships and/or donations made will be recorded by the Marketing Facilitator and reported annually to the Board each June. 

As a general rule, the Executive Team will only support requests from entities that have a “partnership” relationship with the College. On occasion, requests that do not meet this criteria but are nonetheless considered “worthy” of consideration, may be referred by the CEO to the Board for its consideration.