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4.14 - Communications and Media Relations - Policy

Section:           Operations
Subject:           Communications and Media Relations
Policy:              4.14
Approved:      December 16, 2014
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Carlton Trail College believes that good communications, both internal and external, are vital to the success of the College and recognizes the valuable role the media plays in informing the public about our programs and initiatives through proactive media coverage. The College also recognizes that it has an obligation to protect our students, staff and clients from unwelcome intrusions into College operations and to ensure that privacy legislation is not contravened by any members of the media.

While recognizing that every employee of the College plays a significant and ongoing role in communications, it is important to emphasize that only the Board Chair and the President and CEO are authorized to act as official spokespersons for the College. All others must have specific authorization from the Board Chair or President and CEO. The President and CEO is responsible for the development and implementation of communication practices and procedures that promote the overall strategic direction of the College.

All news releases will be approved by the President and CEO or Board Chair and all advertisements in the media will be authorized by the Marketing Facilitator with the exception of employment opportunities, which will be authorized by the VP Administration, and tenders, which will be authorized by the VP Finance. News releases, newsletters, HR updates, media information packages, etc. will be shared with Board members in an ongoing and timely manner.