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4.10 - International Education and Development Project Participation - Policy

Section:           Operations
Subject:           International Education and Development Project Participation
Policy:              4.10
Approved:      September 22, 2003
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

The Board of Directors approves the participation of the College in international education and development activities on a project-by-project basis.  Such projects must be within the mandate of the regional colleges as prescribed in Section 5 of the Regional Colleges Act.

Participation in the International Education and Development Project may include the following:

  • develop, promote and deliver joint venture educational training programs to international clients on a contractual basis that will support sustainable development in developing countries
  • provide advisory personnel on overseas assignment for education administration, organizational development, brokering model development, curriculum development and modification and program evaluation
  • provide training opportunities to staff from overseas or educational institutions to observe and participate in the training available at Carlton Trail College
  • provide programs and services to sponsored and fee-paying, international students wishing to study at Carlton Trail College

4.10 - International Education and Development Project Participation - Procedure

Section:           Operations
Subject:           International Education and Development Project Participation
Procedure:     4.10
Approved:      April 22, 2000
Revised:          September 22, 2009
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Participation in the International Education and Development project is subject to the following requirements:

  • Programs and services of Carlton Trail College will first, and foremost, continue to meet the educational and training needs of the residents of Saskatchewan.
  • International projects undertaken will enhance the reputation of Carlton Trail College and the province.
  • The benefits to Carlton Trail College proposing to participate in any given international project must be transparent and clearly identified in the proposal.
  • All direct and indirect costs associated with a project are fully recovered.
  • Collaboration and partnership with another Canadian partner will be established through all phases of any given international project to ensure quality services, provision of necessary resources and sustainability.
  • Appropriate precautions will be taken to ensure health and safety of Carlton Trail College personnel on overseas assignments.
  • Adequate amount and type of insurance is procured and a risk management plan is in place and communicated to all concerned.
  • There will be no negative impact on the employment of existing Carlton Trail College staff.
  • Regular project reports are provided to the Board and the department.
  • A post-project evaluation of each project is conducted and provided to the Board and the department.