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4.1 - Legal Services - Policy

Section:           Operations
Subject:           Legal Services
Policy:              4.1
Approved:      August 22, 1995
Reviewed:      May 21, 2013
Revised:          November 1, 2015

The Board of Directors shall appoint a legal firm as the general solicitor.  This appointment is to be reviewed on a regular basis.  This shall not preclude other special appointments by Board motion as required.  (September 13, 1982)

The Board shall authorize the Executive Team to engage the services of solicitors as required for labour relations matters.     

4.1 - Legal Services - Procedure

Section:           Operations
Subject:           Legal Services
Procedure:     4.1
Approved:      September 11, 2014
Revised:          November 1, 2015

Carlton Trail College has an established relationship with the legal firm of MacPherson Leslie and Tyerman, although the Board, by motion, may engage such other legal services as it deems appropriate. Only the Board Chair (or designate), the President and CEO and the VP Finance, VP Administration and VP Academic are authorized to communicate with legal counsel on behalf of the College.

The President and CEO shall keep the Board apprised of any and all situations that might reasonably be expected to result in legal action involving the College or any of its employees. The President and CEO shall immediately advise the Board upon being made aware of any legal action that names the College or any of its employees.