High School Students
If you're graduating from a Canadian high school, continue your academic journey at Carlton Trail College.
If you're graduating from a Canadian high school, continue your academic journey at Carlton Trail College.
Carlton Trail College embraces lifelong learners, with many opportunities for adult students to participate in educational opportunities.
Want to improve your English? You may be eligible to take free, part-time English classes within our learning region.
Through inclusive learning opportunities and supports, we're committed to enhancing the participation and success of our Indigenous students.
Discover how our College is preparing for International learners.
Find information, programs, courses and services to support your learning journey at Carlton Trail College.
Carlton Trail College serves the communities of east-central Saskatchewan. We respectfully acknowledge that we do so within Treaty 4 and 6 territories, traditional lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dene, Dakota, Lakota, Nakota and Métis Nations.
We honour and respect these Treaties and are committed to working in partnership with all Nations in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.